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Friday, August 20, 2010

Taking it One Stupid Step at a Time

For those who know me, they know I love to indulge in the most delicious and fattening food known to man. I LOVE Wild Cherry Pepsi. I can eat Chinese food every day of my life and not get tired of eating it. I once considered marrying someone Chinese just so I could eat Chinese food whenever I wanted. I love pizza, but who doesn't? I once classified salads as "rabbit food". I laughed at people who drank diet pop. I would say, "Why the hell are these people drinking diet, when regular taste much better! I'd rather die happy then drink diet pop!". I hate water. It has no flavor. What's the point of drinking that? Now things have changed. I'm not as ignorant about the things I put inside my barrel of acidic innards.

Since last week I have been on a fat free diet. I eat six times a day, but I cannot consume sugar. I haven't touched a pop or Kool-Aid. I'm waiting for my walls to burst and the Kool-Aid guy to burst out and say,"OH YEAH! Drink this delicious cherry Kool-Aid from my belly!". Imagine the heartbreak he would have when I told him I don't drink that heavenly drink anymore. Imagine the look on his face when I would tell him to "fix my damn wall and get the hell out of my house". It's been hard trying to stick on my diet. Especially when my significant other shoves a pizza in front of my face. It doesn't help that he also tells me it's okay to eat something sweet, especially when I'm craving sugar. Sometimes I feel like punching him in the face when he tells me he's serious about losing weight, then I see him shoving two pizzas and a taco down his throat. Thanks for the support honey!

Since last week, I also have been running two miles every day. It's hell and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is classified under smart or genius. My Husband sometimes accompanies on my runs. I could run on a treadmill, but I just don't have the money and besides, I hate just staring at my basement where it's dark and haunted with ghosts waiting for me to join them in the after world right after I trip on the treadmill. Thanks but no thanks. Running itself has been an adventure on its own. It's sometimes hilarious to see the people that are jogging, walking, or running. I once saw a lady who was not only fast walking, but also doing a little dance move with her arms rolling around like she was in a damn conga line. I don't know how you even do that in public, lady, but you know damn well people are staring at you!

And with that..I'm going to have to let you go.

1 comment:

  1. People do what they have to so they feel strong inside their own body, so leave the poor lady alone! Haha!

    Good for you on your new adventure. My body craves activity every single day since I stopped being a lazy ass 2 years ago.

    And I feel you on wanting to punch the hubby. I want to dance on his face when he brings home cookies and every fast food you can imagine. I resent the test of willpower.
