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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stoopid Phone

Today I choose to rant about the biggest thing that pisses me off, no not my Husband this time.. I'm talking about my dumb poor excuse for a phone. I shall not release what model I have for fear of being sued, but let's just say it rhymes with Z Robowl Knit-kit. It constantly erases my contacts, but thank gawd I have a Sim Card, otherwise I'd really be angry as a Christian in a Brothel. Now it's roller bally thingy majig isn't working anymore! I am stuck blowing into it like an old school Nintendo game. What the hell? Well my contract FINALLY is ending with this company so I'll be free at last! On a lighter note today, I finally can compute at home. My laptop screen is broken so I'm stuck using my TV as my screen. How funny is that? Guess I will have to stop saving money for my new boobies and have to start pinching pennies for a new laptop. Guess my boobies will have to wait a couple of more swimsuit seasons.

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